Embody Eating
Recipes, Chinese Medicine, and Beyond
Now Available
Embody Eating—Recipes, Chinese Medicine, and Beyond is a captivating exploration of the intersection between cuisine and holistic health. Authored by esteemed Chinese Medicine practitioner Beth Bright, this book unveils the profound connection between food and well-being through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Bright intricately weaves together centuries-old wisdom with everyday Western ingredients, offering readers a comprehensive guide to understanding the energetic properties of food and their impact on the body’s Qi. From balancing Yin and Yang to harnessing the Five Elements, each recipe is thoughtfully crafted to harmonize the body’s energy systems, promoting vitality and balance. Through understanding the three sources of food, Yuan, Ying, Wei, readers will be able to cook nourishing and delicious meals that will heal their individual health concerns. The reader is guided on how to be embodied, then select and prepare food for vibrant health and happiness. With sumptuous and simple recipes and detailed instructions, Embody Eating—Recipes, Chinese Medicine, and Beyond is not just a cookbook; it’s a journey towards holistic wellness through the art of cooking.

“First of all, I appreciate Beth Bright as an embodied Buddisatva Goddess energy as well as a healer. Her book made this embodied wisdom accessible and applicable to anyone who is interested in improving their quality of life or developing a muscle for spiritual growth. I highly recommend her book—it can transform your life!”
—Master Mingtong Gu, Founder of The Chi Center and The Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong in Santa Fe, NM, USA. Named Qigong Master of the Year by the 13th World Congress for Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine
“It is a simple but vital question: What should I eat for health? The answer is often confusing or contradictory because of modern information overload and narrow reductionist views. This book allows us to access holistic common sense based on the natural wisdom of Chinese medical principles. We gain practical insight into the how, why, and when of optimal nutrition and mindful digestion—even the philosophy and psychology of food.”
—Dr. Paul C. Wang, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, LAc Instructor of Si Yuan Balance Method, Transmitter of Dao De Gong Fa Founder of Dao Center
“Beth Bright has dedicated her professional life to developing practical applications in medicine as an acupuncturist and mind-body health practitioner. Her tireless pursuit to assist others and resolve complicated medical issues leaves no rock unturned. Beth is known to have the courage and humility to look within and turn over a new leaf in life, encouraging others to do the same. She might just have you cook up that leaf for dinner! Read her book to increase the ease of healthy living for you and your family.”
—Mary White, Heart-Centered Meditation Teacher
“Attend to this meeting of cultures in the kitchen: It is more than delicious, as food is foundational to health. Beth Bright shares the provender of her Eastern journey, with a gift for making foreign concepts and foods readily accessible.”
—David Kailin, MPH, PhD Author, Quality in Complementary & Alternative Medicine
“Beth Bright has provided me with a 20-year history of confident, caring, intuitive, and successful solutions to my health issues, practicing a comforting Love and Logic approach. This long overdue book will be a helpful treasure to many.”
—Jim Fay, Author and Co-founder, Love and Logic Institute, Inc.
Beth Bright integrates her love of cooking with the wisdom of food properties from Chinese Medicine. Beth has practiced Chinese Medicine for over 2 decades, along with Zhineng Qigong and Meditation. Her combination of interests brings a special quality of expression and understanding to this unique book. Beth lives in Colorado with her husband, children, cat and dog.

Sample Recipe
Simple Citrus Dressing
Makes 1 cup
Prep time: 10 minutes
This is an elegant, light dressing for a summer salad. Although Chinese Medicine does not favor eating cold, raw food, an occasional raw salad is lovely, especially in the hot summertime. Chewing crunchy foods stimulates the digestive juices, aiding the stomach.
1 lemon
1 orange
1 lime
1/4 c. olive oil
Cut the fruit in half.
In a small bowl, combine equal parts of fresh, squeezed fruit juices and olive oil—1/4 c. lemon juice, 1/4 c. orange juice, and 1/4 c. lime juice with 1/4 c. olive oil.
Add about 1 tsp. salt and add pepper to taste, maybe just 1/4 tsp. pepper.
Stir all ingredients together with a fork, whisking vigorously until blended.
Carefully add more salt if needed—not enough salt and the dressing will be bitter. Too much salt and it will be too salty tasting. Add just the right amount, and the sweetness of the juices comes out, it’s delicious!
Dressing: The olive oil is slightly bitter. The lemon and lime juice is sour, while the orange is sweet. The salt brings it all together. The pepper adds a little heat. A perfectly balanced combination of the Five Elements of flavors!
Beth Bright
M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. Ac
Rocky Mountain Acupuncture